Superman: Red Son - 2020
Set in the thick of the Cold War, Red Son introduces us to a Superman who landed in the USSR during the 1950s and grows up to become a Soviet symbol that fights for the preservation of Stalin’s brand of communism.

Strigoi Strigoi

I can certainly tell that American socialist wrote this version of Superman! I also bet. that the commies in America (ie; traitors) are huge supporters of commies Bernie Sanders and that b*tch A.O.C. Also don't think for 1 second that I didn't notice that this movie came out ...

Charels Novak

trash Democrat shit,I ever saw, look at America now,ran buy crazy lazy Democrat,nowadays I'm black.they fucked this country up in 2yrs

Strigoi Strigoi

...when a Great real American was and will be again President Mr. Donald J. Trump! Shame on you writers for making this movie to try to manipulate kids into thinking into your evil communist ways!

James Center Smith

This definitely isn't my favorite Superman movie, but I thought it was definitely unique. I am not one when it comes to combining politics with a superhero movie, it usually makes me not like the super hero movie that much. But this was somewhat better.


thanks for the warning fellas. I refuse to support any of this anti American BS The left is pumping.

Black Magician

The greatest match off of all mother Russia! Soviet Superman vs soviet Batman!

Ink'd up bag man

Damn! really, really good

Don Julio



despite all the slavery its accurate


I love it. Six thumbs Up

Robert Comaduran

awesome movie

Tommy Powell

my 1st time seeing this

Let it go. Or you will never be free.

this movie sucks balls.