Superman Returns - 2006
Superman returns to discover that those felt, and his 5-year lack has allowed Lex Luthor to walk free abandoned and have moved on. His sin which alter the surface of the entire world forever and may see millions, in addition to ridding himself of this person of Steel is plotted by luthor.


When will we ever have a Superman that says "UP UP AND AWAY".. Lol. That's the Superman that I grew up watching.. Lol.

Tammy DeBoard

You know I never understood how Kryptonite was he's weakness. It's from the plant he was born on. Never got that part.

Omari Anderson

if it was me, I would have ignored the original Superman 2 and made the richard Donner cut cannon. i would have had clark be gone for 5 years because he was fighting a monster in space who he can't remember because the monster knocked him in the head. This would be a setup for

Tammy DeBoard

Look up in the sky. It's a bird it's a plane. No wait it's Superman.

Ruben Flores

"IDK" but this Superman is a lot of fun Love it

Ruben Flores

and Lois Lane doesn't even know his name ain't that a b****

Scot “scotty” Charron

because that was the world he never got used to or adapted to living he adapted to earths atmosphere,which was easy compared to coming from super strong atmosphere

Ricky Mcafee

the original superman couldn't actually fly,but could jump REALLY high.they added flight sometime after the original conception.

Cormier Dominique

why all of movie of superman, the actor and the actress name is always clark Kent and lois lane

colleen brooks

And his girlfriend Lois lane Is so🔪

Paul Griffin

need to coat with seasoned flour, then dropped in hot oil until he.

Ricky Mcafee

spacey did good but Gene hackman will always b let luthor.

Michael Puntorno

the best superman movie of all time

Ricky Mcafee

even though Kevin spacey is a sick queer nutball.

colleen brooks

Superman is so cute

Isaiah Fowler

I love superman returns


worst superman plot ever!

Zoe Chapa

that is so lovely❤

Isaiah Fowler

I love this movie

Jacob Carter

this is so good