Teen Titans: The Judas Contract - 2017
Tara Markov can be a girl with power over earth and rock. She is even significantly more than she seems. Is your latest Teen Titan a hazard or an ally? And what are the Deathstroke's plans for the Titans?


star fire really exposed what her and nightwing be doin around 9:10

Brogan Malmgren

I wish I could I have a threesome with starfish and blue beetles sis

Ryan Creecy

take back my first comment I had just started the movie and was confused with the hive calling themselves titans makes sense now this series of movies was good still not normal seeing cyborg not in the titans but blue beetle seems to be a good addition with these creators

Jinxed_Mess Jr

Damn, Beast Boy can't have shit. He lost his alien forms and he lost his hoe 😭

Blake McIntire

starfire was very revealing in the movie

Derek Jones

Robin and Nightwing. Did the combo?it was so funny

Zhelus 21

deathstroke's is a pedo

Spencer Nixon

I hate that beast boy doesn't change into alien creatures he sees only earth creatures

Rita Cing

i really like this movie is good to watch

Twin's Matthews

you you can watch it on YouTube videos

Josh Sargent

I love starfish she is so thick.

Ryan Creecy

does this movie have nothing to do with justice league v teen titans is this just a whole different TT movie?

ralph roodney

bro why these girls are so fk hot 🥵🥵🥵🥵 wtf

Brogan Malmgren

I ship raven and beast boy

Twin's Matthews

shjzngfetrs8yr8e xiz vfxgj7fstcytxusjy56yydf you 6zz7zr7dx7d,5d5,d5,5ddf00o

Toney Tony

Deathstroke is a perv🤢🤮

Aaliyah Knowles

I like me better when I'm with you ❤️

Brogan Malmgren

blue beetle sis hot.asf


(adj.) You’re not allowed to say that if you’re over 21.