Terminator 2: Judgment Day - 1991
Almost 10 years have passed since Sarah Connor was targeted for termination by a cyborg from the future. Now her son, John, the future leader of this opposition, is your goal of a wider, more deadly terminator. Once more, the opposition was able to send a protector back to attempt to save his mother Sarah and John.
Tom A.
the last of the great terminator films. it's rare a sequel film is as good- if not BETTER than its predecessor T2 is among that rare exception
latasha clark
yeah I know it's about 5 of them moviesbut I favor terminator 2 anyday I mean that particular one was the shit
phillip walling
Glad you guys used the final extended cut. That alternate ending is Canon. I dare y'all to change my mind.
michael creti
can somebody please help with $ 150 dollars for my grandma funeral I would appreciate it a lot and u can email me at michaelcreti435@gmail.com please help me with this is
Jamal Vargas
Terminator Is The Greatest Franchise Ever !!! Regardless of Terminator Genysis being ruined by Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney that jackass had the nerve to se play Jack McClane In A Good Day To Die Hard If he pops up In something like Tron I'll hate him for life
Xavier Gonzales
one of my favorite movies been watching it since I was young
watch this when I was a kid my dad introduced this Franchise to me went to the theater with my dad good memories Great 🎬 movie
Waylen Outland
2023 comment best movie I almost cried I love this now r.i.p terminator he will be here forever🥹🙏🥹
Anthony Kleckner
love your terminated movies! this is one of the best!!! like the u could be mine video by GnR, excellent!!
ok this is the ultra version. there's scenes I didn't know existed
for fuck sake it's am xr80, it's not 2 stroke. fucking christ.
riding for 27 yrs. this always irritates me
Glenn Carver-seabrook
they definitely should have stopped with this one
Jon Doe
idk y but that leather creaking is like nails on a chalk board to me idk if anyone else gets that filling
Daughter _ of _a _king79
The movie was awesome, and there were some mistakes throughout it. But sill very well done.
does anyone else remember who Nikki Cox was? she was on that short lived tv show "Unhappily ever after" she's one of the 2 girls talking to the T1000 when he's looking for John. the red head
just about my favourite film of all time
dave parker
great movie, one of the best, and the music 🎶 gets me every time.
Laura George
I love this movie it is really good
Ke'hinde' Ase'
To the four that thumb this down.. unfriend yourselves. Lls
Dragon King
Seth Green stared in it was on Buffy the Vampire Slayer can't wait for the T7 movie
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