The 4:30 Movie - 2024
In the summer of 1986, three sixteen year old friends spend their Saturdays sneaking into movies at the local multiplex. But when one of the guys also invites the girl of his dreams to see the latest comedy, each of the teens learn more about life and love.

Shannin Smith

I was there! This was my life! Those so-called sell out actors you're talking about were the people that were there making the real history that made it worth coming back today to reprise in comic jest! HOW COOL! NOW who all agrees w/me?

Melisa Bagwell

we watched the first ever real life people interact together. ..oh yeah we ate acid before we went it was awesome!! there's always gonna be haters nobody forced them to watch but they got something to say. like we care


I don't understand all the hate in these comments. It was a decent John Hughes style flick. Not the best of Kevin's movies but not the worst. Absolutely zero level of "woke crap" these comments are saying. It was 6.5/10 for me.


how sad. can't even finish watching this. so cool to see underage kids all over each other. 🙄 love kevin Smith but this was garbage.

Scot “scotty” Charron

woke sellouts lmao!!! Too bad they don't make em like the good ol days, like die hard collection

Nunya Business

A degenerate movie made with woke sell out celebs.


80s in high school worked at movie theater. I get free tickets. I would barter with teachers when I was in trouble.

Cody Cassara

this movie suked hard!!! what happend to film? what a let down!


Great movie if your 13 yrs old. Otherwise is gay

Rich Duenas

a huge steaming pile of flaming dog shit, couldn't even finish this puke

Dirk D

not a bad movie. it was nice to re-live the 80s... better days.

Victor Lopez

so much nostalgia

Bekki Wampler

I knew it when I saw Kevin Smith's name!!!

Larry Barnes

the absolute most horrible movie ever

Marquita Finney

cool movie to me

Earl Jones

lame could have been better 😕

Hugo Salinas

it's alright

Melisa Bagwell

Roger Rabbit

Tyky Foster

huh, an origin movie.