The 6th Day - 2000
Futuristic action about a guy who meets a clone of himself and stumbles into a grand conspiracy about clones taking over the planet.
Jason Webb
@ the end when he says, " when I said go screw yourself, I didn't mean for you to take it literally "... Yes he did. He went to the point of saying, you should clone yourself. When he asked Adam why? " Adam replied, so you can go F**k Yourself. "
This is still a great movie!
Jason Webb
When this movie came out, I thought to myself. There is no way on God's Green Earth a player in the NFL would be making $300 million dollars. Now that we are in the year 2024, I need to know if it's a year or over say a 5 year period.
Bobby Hill 3rd
good movie
G Vasquez
This movie was alsome. One of my all time favorites
Joseph Cash
won't play..keeps freezing when you cast it to the tv
Ricky Mcafee
re-pet??omg...that's funny.
Ricky Mcafee
the simpals r creepy.
Chef Bobby Sponge
Cindy is buttass ugly
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