The Adventure of Denchu-Kozo - 1987
Among the other students at his school, Hikari is ridiculed and teased because of his unusual physical feature: an electricity pole coming out of his back. In the end, he is saved by a female classmate named Momo. The time machine Hikari gives her as a gift as a way of saying thank you. A 25-year trip through an increasingly bleak future is initiated by the activation of his time machine. During his travels, he meets members of the Shinsengumi Vampire Gang, who are searching for Dr. Sariba, Momo's future self. To Hikari, she says that she has been anticipating his return from the past and that he must save the planet by himself.

Rory Chappelle

It has a sweet ending. I get the existential, over tones.Usually the Japanese have numerous, unspoken, conversations ' using the subtly of the body, and the eyes.🥀