The American Society of Magical Negroes - 2024
A young man, Aren, is recruited into a secret society of magical Black people who dedicate their lives to a cause of utmost importance: making white peopleโs lives easier.
Benz Daddy
damn good movie ๐ฅ.. y'all dumb . some black people probably actually feel this way. . I'm white but I understand that we can't even start to understand how they feel or r so uncomfortable. probably how I feel when people look at my tear drops on my face and just stare thru me
Nice movie It captured how us blacks comfort our oppressors by redirecting our hurt and anger into being suck butt Uncle Toms, and passive Aunt Jemimas' that act like our victimizers therapists out of fear!!! Liked it a lot
Cherish Ahayah
What the hell as a brown woman I'm not my ancestors I don't care about making peach pink red people comfortable I treat everyone how I want to be treated I give respect when it's earn I give disrespect when it's earn ...........
Tameka Brooks
This movie will seem racist to people who are actually racist but they just don't want to admit it A lot of people feel like this This is just how we live in this world
Janee Pollard
This was a very good movie... makes me wish that we really had a society of magical negro's in real life so that I can work for the.. I would be great at that job... lol... but frfr this movie was well put together... I loved it and I will be watching it again...
Hernan Gutierrez
great movie from beginning to the end. It was hilarious with strong truthful facts.Also David Allen Grier was on point like always we need to see him in more movies. The use of far and close 2D angles in the film was dope too.
This was a d*** good movie story.Line was absolutely phenomenal, very interesting.Top alliance performances from everybody in the film.I definitely give it a
Marie Jones
I have one question. why do they make black men gay in every movie? even white men. grabbing another mans penis is sick. pushing the agenda onto kids. it's an abomination unto GOD. IM SO SICK OF SEEING PEDOS N GAYS. NOBODY IS STRAIGHT. A STRAIGHT MAN IS A RARE SIGHTING
Ricc Grant
I'll give it a 8, definitely underrated, beautiful movie and it's true, being black in America you really don't think you belong because of how you treated, and tell that day he said to yourself Forget the world I'm riding with Christ, if he put me here I belong. ๐ช๐พ๐ฏโค๏ธ
I was so excited when I read the title and saw the preview. I thought (wishful thinking) this movie was going to be about the many different spiritual gifts my Father God gives us or for those who worship Satan the many gifts that he lends to his subjects. Boooo!!!
johnny lang
being in a interracial relationship we thought this was interestingly good, odd, and definitely outside the box.
Odis Bynum
MFs read into movies a bit much... literally having a B.F (BITCH FIT) over a MOVIE ๐ฌ... like its a documentary about they life... Movie was cou... not da best bye far but some of it was funny fr ... If u hate da movie an watched all of it... u a stupid MF frfr... ๐๐พ๐๐พ
BrianConman โBereal000%โ
I totally agree with this movie I do not think white people can make a consciously moral racist decision without having a magical black person whispering in his ear.
I got just one question why why do you always have to talk about your nationality who cares what color your skin is I just want to enjoy the movie I don't care what nationality is playing a movie or whatever why do you have to always mention those things who cares what color your
Savie Johnson
this movie is RIDICULOUSLY ridiculous! By Far the MOST INSULTING message. "MOVE THROUGH LIFE TO KEEP WHITE PEOPLE COMFORTABLE''?? hell naw... SMH. they make us Black's uncomfortable, less than, afraid, angry and sooo many other ways for 100's of years!! FUUUCK THIS SCREENWRITER!
So happy to see David Allen Grier againHave loved him since Living ColorMy fav sketch was him & Damon Wyans Men on Film! Lmao! They were sooooo dayum funny!The song Its Raining Men & them 2 rating films "TWO SNAPS IN A CIRCLE!"I miss old school actors[034
I don't like the contents of this movie with racism I am a mixed child and I don't like the competition I hear this too much and it's bothering me why can't anybody enjoy making a movie without insulting another person's nationality it's disgusting I'm sorry you can make all the
Charles Newton
Looking at the comments I let them stop me several times on attempts to watch. Today I actually got a chance to watch it and it's a great movie. Most blk ppl really feel like they have to be a certain way for white ppl to except them but it's not just the white ppl anymore.
Kenney B2
Adam Mathew
I mean damn the title of this has to have some butt hurt af but this movie wasn't bad title is a little funny but I can laugh at anything including myself but this movie is weird I wish someone was helping me out damn working 60+ hours a week
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