The Batman - 2021
A point-of-view driven noir tale with heavy focus on Batman's detective work. A stand-alone story with no connection to the DCEU.

Mikel MacRichard

the Batman of this movie is Great back to what the Dark Knight detective is supposed to be. the Bruce Wayne side sucks and probably really does the way they f-up the whole thing with agenda not storyline. not worth the ad interruptions every 30 secs.

Rico Rite

My gf told me to turn the movie down. i said i cant, everybody is whispering. She thought I was lying, so she came to watch it with me. Now the joke is that wenever im whispering and she asks why im whispering, my answer is "Im Batman!"


everybody who's complaining about the ads they should pay the $499 it's worth it because I didn't and I watch all the movies no ads loving this app movies that are still in the theaters we get them right away


In this movie you can see the real batman, like from the games. Detective side of him. The cast is amazing. Robert did a great job. He was fully into the character and the movie itself was into the batman life.


The city feels alive in this one. A much darker Batman movie but the visuals are beautiful. Action is great along with great performances along the board. Is a tad bit long but kept me interested with the intriguing plot.

Sam Addams

the movie may be slow but it was still interesting and original if your like me and like lots of action I understand you might be bored but it was about getting back to the fact Batman was supposed to be a detective not some action crazed superhero who blows stuff up every 5min


I think it's fair to say that we need an institution to stop people from destroying the Batman and it's story by making such an awful film and casting. I mean what in the name of god was that.A perfect way to kill some time if you have plenty of it.

Rico Rite

So this is what emo-batman would look like. 1st of all this movie is a disgrace to Batman! Why is Robert Paterson so depressed in this movie? He isnt even doing batman stuff! Hes driving a mustang and calling it a batmobile, it looks like a normal🚗. Gets beat up. Knocks on🚪s


I promise, you will be bored, made it an hour in, so slow paced, so tedious, try's so hard but fails. Never turned a batman film off, until this......sad times.


Yeah yeah, it's good and all but it's just overrated, don't get me wrong, I love myself a bit of Batman but the amount of people I saw give this 9 or 10/10 is ridiculous, loved the cast, plot and cinematography but it's not as good as people say it is.

Lily Garcia

the bat man I love it so much it is so cool it is my favorite movie in the world it is fun and not that spooky

Nicholas Herrera

not sure how I feel about the movie being so dark. literally not figuratively. I get it, and because the story and concepts are dark in nature they thought the VISUAL experience should be dark......however, it's almost cliche and may just be too much. not artistic just lazy


I promise I'll stop after this one. This film has a side agenda that may not be welcomed by all of its viewers. It certainly drove me out within about 20 minutes. Is that blurb unAmerican or seditious in this country of the free? Apparently so, what a shame.

among gus

this is a really good movie :D

Young Flow

they made him a lil scrony and weak in this movie no tech barley. most of the movie was him just watching a bunch of stuff. the fights could've been better. all in all they went back to the drawing board with this okay movie. ben afflect and Christian bale best embodiment of bat.

Timothy Haltner

Come down to a couple sniper shots from riddler who gets caught on surveillance sneaking into the diner, sipping coffee and complains he's still got a slice of pumpkin pie coming🙄that's the big showdown between the main villain and Batman¿? Liked the darkness tho, thought dude

Craig Moreland

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Beth Poteate

how do I cast?


we need batman rebooted this actor his great but not fit to be batman batman is more like ninja detective. more a little master and skills fighter not a dancer fake fighter.