The Beanie Bubble - 2023
Ty was a frustrated toy salesman until his collaboration with three women turned his stuffed animals into a defining ’90s trend. This behind-the-scenes look at history’s biggest toy craze is a wild story about what—and who—is valued in this world.

Michele Lein

So my mom took one of my stuffed puppies and "operated" on him, removing some of his stuffing s soft, floppy, and cuddly like my friend's puppy. That was the first time a"beanie baby" was born. As I got older, stuffed animals became much softer and "floppier" in the middle.

Michele Lein

They had six kids, one of whom was a little girl, my age. She had an adorable, very well loved little stuffed brown dog that was beanie baby "posable." This was before beanie babies in the 1960s. I loved how soft and cuddly he was, and of course, wanted one just like him.

Michele Lein

When I was six, we moved from a city out to the country. I had all new stuff as my dad had over $100,00 in the bank, plus he didn't need a loan to build the farm. The family next door was in a lesser blue collar bracket, so there was not a lot of new stuff.

Torrance Davis

I love this movie it's so good very good nastalgia through out the movie felt like I was back in the 90s because I actually remember when all of this happened kudos


what a spoiled woman. multi millionaire but just has to be equal to the man.

Debby Casul

great movie & Men only care ab them self🤣😒😑