The Book of Clarence - 2024
Streetwise but down-on-his-luck, Clarence is struggling to find a better life for his family, while fighting to free himself of debt. Captivated by the power and glory of the rising Messiah and His apostles, he risks everything to carve his own path to a divine life, and ultimately discovers that the redemptive power of belief may be his only way out.


Great Movie, Jesus was most likely black, or at least north east African so this makes more sense than most depictions of him! Whether you want to admit that you believe in God is not the point, He believes in you!!! Without TRUE benefits, True Purpose, we're lost Sheep!

Confesor Sanchez

Will see what the Messiah truly is in his 2nd coming...until then we can all stop assuming and just simply embrace our Lord and Savior regardless of race. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


This movie is a Abomination to God! This movie told lies the first Ancient Roman Soldiers was Black, in the beginning all Cultures of people was black or dark or brown skin, doing this ancient time of black people rulership there was No such thing of Caucasians or white people.

Lyne Israel

Black is all through the Bible people just don't read it, KJVA, Christ is Black IUIC

Judah Ben Israel

God is Black- Daniel 7:9 Christ is black-Revelation 1:14-15, Daniel 10:5-6 Jews are black- Jeremiah 14:2, Lamentation 4:8 Angels are black - Ezekiel 1:9

Albert Johnson

I am so very grateful for wodfix for the opportunity to see this movie. Book of Clarence will be a movie that will be considered a Ground Breaking event and also a controversial topic of its time. too those that are in the culture and beliefs are not of God the Father .

Action Figure Farm

who cares what color Jesus is can't we just enjoy a good movie without there always being some sort of conspiracy or worrying about other people's business or the color of their skin or what other people believe, does anybody pay your bills? we all on the same island



Dominic Lee

bro this is an awesome movie!! and it deep have you thinking!! what clearance did I just can't explain it because ppl can see what he's done differently and plus I'm only half into the movie!!

izar Ben Israel

my church teach black Jesus also!!! 🔥🔥🔥This is where I learn the Bible from Organization: Israel United in Christ YouTube: Iuic In the classroom 3 Phone app: IUIC TV Website:

Judah Ben Israel

I'm expecting backlash from stupid ppl who never read the Bible for my previous comment. please feel free to show how stupid you truly are


Good storyline, weather fact or animated imagination I enjoyed the storyline. We are put on earth for LOX living off experience. Free will to believe in whatever u chose up to the individual. 🤷🏽‍♂️. Let's all agree its an entertaining movie to view once or twice up to one self!


this movie was so good it was funny it also was serious but the best part was watching a person who didnt believe in god find his but all these people talking about is the color of jesus , look we dont know what color he is and we wont until god wants us to know geez get a grip

belinda wimbley

yes he is b other... people DZ days are so pressed by that ... yes our LORD N SAVIOR IS A BLACK MAN.. . ALL PRAISE TO THEE MOST HIGH🤲🏾🙏🏽🤲🏾🙏🏽♥️♥️♥️

fatari reid

Absolutely love this movie don't know why jay getting hated on what cuz it's not about drug dealing and killing our people. Facts this movie is an insight to how they should have told the truth about Jesus instead of spreading lies


It's a satirical perspective from a satirical black man. It doesn't replace the Truth! There WILL be a second coming and all who don't believe in Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior will experience the second death which is ETERNAL separation from God! Serving it's purpose

Eric Lech

Jesus forgive that my brothers and sisters they do not know what they do they're still fighting over the stupid s*** what your skin tone is

Anthony Sykes

he was not white it's says skin like brozes hair like Wool Jesus was God son just like we are all are Jesus said he wasn't here to change the law but to fulfill the law. to show us that our father is real. That's why he said when we pray we start with our father, we are family


If you are in fact all Christians and believe Jesus is the messiah that died for your sins. Does it matter at all what color his skin is ? You talk about missing the point !

izar Ben Israel

🔥🔥🔥This is where I learn the Bible from Organization: Israel United in Christ YouTube: Iuic In the classroom 3 Phone app: IUIC TV Website: