The Box - 2009
A couple with a child, Arthur along with norma Lewis, receive a wooden box as a gift, which bears irrevocable and fatal consequences. A mysterious stranger gives the message that the box promises to bestow upon its owner $1 million with all the press of a button. Nevertheless pressing on this button will simultaneously make the death of the human being somewhere on the planet. Someone they don't really know. With only twenty four hours to have the box within their own possession, Norma and Arthur find themselves at the cross hairs of a moral dilemma and have to face the genuine nature of their humanity.

Adam Mathew

this is a different movie I liked it kinda bullshit though cause it seems they give everyone a choice but what idiot wouldn't push the button

Vikki Ross

One of my favorite movies. But every time I watch it, I can't help wonder does she push that button?!?

Luis Eliza

donde puedo ver estas películas en español

Edgar Allen


Gilbert Valentino Solis Sr

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