The Boy Behind the Door - 2021
After Bobby and his best friend Kevin are kidnapped and taken to a strange house in the middle of nowhere, Bobby manages to escape. But as he starts to make a break for it, he hears Kevin’s screams for help and realizes he can’t leave his friend behind.

Katherine Macgayver

Y'all Do realize that this is a movie.? On top of that they're just children. They are not adults therefore don't think like adults. Like damn cut this kid some slack. He saved his friend and that's all that matters.

Jayreeziee34 Moncada

uum y'all say good movie but this boy irritated my soul by spending hours in that house instead of getting help on foot!? and his lazy friend could've been at least tryna chew his leg from the chain. my boy said "uuugh oh well I'm caught"


Pretty good movie, it was hard for me to watch considering these were kids up against some sick ass adults.... They did good though regardless of what some of you pathetic ass mfkers said on here! Y'all are trash who don't deserve to be breathing!


the white boy knew to strike and keep striking they made the black boy look so dumb bitch didn't even know how to use the phone SMH then saying sorry for killing his abducter

Sharon Rogers

that one little black kid gave that old bitch a run for her money

Marilyn Alcantara

I can't front you need friends like that son wasn't going no where with out his boy

Lamar Curry

that taser got her good this is a pretty good movie


he was making alot of noise to try to be helping he should have ran for help

strawberry Hunt

This was good, action at every turn!!! But she got feet like a man. I thought it was a man and a woman working together but damn!!!


smart kid but Instead of pulling the body he should have got another knife 🔪

April Young

This was a great movie. BUTT the kid spent tooooo much time in the house ,he could of been gone and gotten some help. BUTT all in, IT WAS A GREAT MOVIE


I just knew when the time was up he was coming I wish he would have just left the phone plugged up


smart and tough lil dude and he also played in a movie called water man or something like that


when they was showing the mins and the time was almost up I was like lawd have mercy

Rhonda Ross-Gregory

Really good movie... From beginning to the end!!!


when he stabbed him and sat down I was like man get up

Cindy Alnaese

great movie this kid is one great actor I'm looking forward to see him and other movies he's awesome

QueenSharie Queen

it's the ignorant comments about the kid for me


at when he cut off her finger


man this movie is crazy I like the funny part when the lady shoots the boy's leg 😂😂 it's Fucking funny! 🤣🤣