The Brass Teapot - 2012
When a few of finds that they are made money by a brass teapot they hurt themselves they have to come to terms with how much they are prepared to go.

Marisol Cardenas

Definitely has a lesson to teach. Money can't buy you happiness. live life and be grateful for what you have. There are others who would want to be in your place who have less than you.

Fishing with Cristina

at first I was like damn I wish I had that teapot. then I saw how it would make people do bad things to each other and others. I rather not have money than to hurt the people I love.


I'm going to find that teapot if it's the last thing I do on earthjust kidding

David Romero

this was a great fuken movie!

hitlerdid nothingwrong

here from youtube shorts

Vicky Sadler

pretty good movie