The Cellar - 2022
When Keira Woods' daughter mysteriously vanishes in the cellar of their new house in the country, she soon discovers there is an ancient and powerful entity controlling their home that she will have to face or risk losing her family's souls forever.

Garry G

this vid should be trending right now its soooo good

Theresa Sainato

That's horror. There shouldn't be a pseudo hero saving the day. It's not Spiderman. Being grim is authentic horror

Elana Sparks

MOVIES are being made MORE and MORE where no one Escapes

strawberry Hunt

Mom did all that, just to get trapped in the house, with the rest of the ppl that stayed there! I hate basements n cellars! She was a trooper tho, daddy was a wuss

Kristie Combs

I give it a 5 worth watching but not that awesome just a rinky dink movie better than nothing beats a few oldies but nothing that special...sorry y'all

Elana Sparks

Blacks practice Voodoo, who do woo do

Veronica Jones

I see no blacks .....

Lamar Curry

I needed some more demons and ghosts


well if this movie is lam then n I just give you guys a đź‘Ž

David Mathison

good movie, I'd watch it again

Aundra Moore

it's definitely a watcher

Larry Smith

this was pretty good

Scot “scotty” Charron

excellent đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ś

Carlos Garcia

wack as fk

Elana Sparks



trash đź—‘