The Cowboys - 1972
After his cattlemen abandon him for the fields, rancher Wil Andersen is made to take on a selection of younger boys because his cowboys so as to receive his herd to market to prevent disaster. The boys learn to execute an individual's job under Andersen's tutelage. Neither Andersen nor the boys know that a bunch of cattle thieves is feeding them.

Chris Simmons

1 of his best pictures great for the whole family my kids love it all 10 of them and the 14 grandkids along with the 36 nephews and nieces

Tim Price

1st John Wayne movie I seen with JW dies ! 1 of the best ! I was 12 when I seen it ! I was going to be a cowboy !

Stormy Keifer

I absolutely adore this movie Mr Wayne and his crew of real 2023 there are no real cowboys anymore,only rodeo

Thomas Hunt, Jr.

this is the only John Wayne movie I like. mainly cuz it was the first one I watched before finding out the kind of guy he was, lol.

Brad Velasquez

I had my doubts about watching this I thought it would be kind of hokey. boy was I wrong good movies never go bad.

Jeffrey Sowell

This has to be his most prolific....Oops. This has got to be his most outstanding film

Troy Fidler

I was 6 or 7 years when I 1st saw this masterpiece

Terri Gooding

I love this film so much. I watch it over and over.


love this movie

Tyshone Dsvis

tyshone davis

Tyshone Dsvis

tyshone davis

Tyshone Dsvis

tyshone davis