The Croods - 2013
Even the Croods is a prehistoric comedy adventure which follows the planet's earliest family once the cave that has shielded them is destroyed because they embark on a journey of a lifetime. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods discover an amazing new universe filled with creatures that are fantastic -- and their prognosis is changed.
Wendy Corbett
@8:57 Poor guy went through all that only to get that tiny drop left after he made sure his family ate first!. That's what a REAL MAN DOES!
Marie Mm
wayne rayoum
this is a very originally made film. a family of cavers coming from cave to mountain seeking adventure up to tomorrow. they are very brave along with a guy in the lead.
it's a shame this film has no villain, the closest we got was the dark colored giga creature from earlier.
Islande Simplice
This movie is the best out of the best I thought they ill die at the end of the story but they didn't die they find something better than caves darkness then they ment guy and they flow to tomorrow than they find something better.
Yonathan Rivera
esta genial solo que hay muchas películas en inglés y pocas en español si todas tuvieran más idiomas disponibles esta app sería la número 1 en el mundo por su complejidad
Adrienna Bell
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck so
belt was my favorite character followed by Douglas, may be rest in peace
Isn't that the sacrifice a parent will make for their kids. I find it odd that Grug said that's oķ I àte last week and he is as big as a house.
Angeles Aranda
this movie is awesome 😎🤣🥰❤️!!
Nellie Meza
Graceee.・ ゚ ゚・
this movie had so much emotion and story only to get completely downgraded and nerfed in the 2nd movie 💀
Goddess B
I loveIT
Malachi Jones
Ahmad Sadat
don't give up on your family or friends
kevin jackson
this explains where the Caucasian race came from the mountains inside the caves and they say we monkey's lmao
grug is just so evil with grams
Dan S
every well made movie, lots and lots of things to make you laugh that you'll miss watching it only once.
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