The Death and Return of Superman - 2019
The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen presented within an over two-hour unabridged and eloquent animated feature. Witness the conflict between the Justice League and an alien force known just as Doomsday that just Superman can finish and can forever alter the surface of Metropolis.

Joseph Vasta

The opening shows Intergang getting their butts kicked even though they had Apocalyptician armour.


so good.... Lois actual became useful to the plot. Just shows you anyone can be a hero

Elijah Turner

ok. well I. dont. no. wat. to. say. right. now. but. rest. is. far. as. good👍

Cheryl Turner

i hate how they always depower Superman


tell me why doesn't Martian man hunter stick his arm through this guy get his heart and become solid

Stevie Crawford


Marie Meritus

my brother superman turns into goku

Stev Panazza

Why did I cry when he killed superman ? lol

Courtney Coleman

he need to learn how to fight and to be so strong why does little shit hurt him

Anthony Menocal

super Man is about to kill himself


There's nothing like being human laughter, good show

Denny Walter

my month is not up yet

Michael Sweet

She has the Facebook app on her cell. 😅

John Ward

why can't I cast to my TV

bye good

f the kid that trying to save a game

neeko scott

you like this movie




too many mistakes stupid