The Death of Stalin - 2017
When dictator Josef Stalin dies in 1953, his cronies square off at a power struggle to become the next Soviet leader. Are the dweebish Georgy Malenkov, the sadistic secret police leader, the Nikita Khrushchev and Lavrenti Beria.
Alex Williams
Imagine if this was the death star . are all aristocrats this pompous, self entitled and witless rp kissers?
Emmanuel Hartley
the court finds you guilty of antisoviet behavior the court finds you guilty and sentence you to be shot that's why my favorite lines in the movie and this is exactly how it happened in history
Alex Williams
too bad they couldn't imitate the Soviet speech, but it's banner humor of a history we merely read of in history. or seen documentary wise. all hail the BBC
Jon Doe
damn Stalin had everyone shaking in there combat boots
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