The Devil's Advocate - 1997
A hot shot lawyer gets a lot more than he bargained for when he sees his new boss will be Lucifer himself.

Lashawn Metts

emrbrace islam everything in this is in the holy Quran the devils favorite evil deed is to breakup marriages

Theresa A Taylor

This movie hits every realm of good VS evil, holy VS unholy. A deep message lays on the surface of free will and choices we make that shapes our lives and demise. Well scripted and cast throughout.

Terrica Woodard

I saw Tony Montana being shot at all over again


when I watch this it just makes me think that all lawyers do work for the devil 😈 there just blood sucking scum

Janie Cordero

I've watched this movie when I was in my mid 20's I'm 38 now. N it's still a damn good movie. N so is Constantine


is this connected to Constantine???

Caleb Gonzalez

hail Satan o lord of the darkness king in Prince of night


she's show signs of schizomania :/

Lashawn Metts

Allahu akbar

Pete The Meat

amazing movie - a must watch 9.5/10


good or sells .

They Was

she tweaking


love this movie

Shannon Edwards

great movie

Fuzzy Fusion

good movie


love it

Shaun Santiago

this m