The Exorcism of Emily Rose - 2005
Everyone puts blame over the exorcism which was performed on her Father Moore just before her departure, when a younger girl named Emily Rose dies. The priest is detained on suspicion of murder. The trial begins with lawyer Erin Bruner however it is not likely to become easy, because no one wishes to believe what Father Moore says holds true.

Myisha McQueen



I think this movie was much scarier than the Exorcist. I was 12 or 13 when I saw The Exorcist. This poor girl went through a lot. I hope her soul is at peace. Great movie.

Amelia Ramirez Salas

good movie if people go to church or believe in god,angle or and higher greater, there as to be demon, an devil

Sherry Mull

good movie 🍿πŸŽ₯

Loretta Querry

pretty good movie I'm just so sorry this happen to her.

Christen Hempseed

1st problem, she should've hauled ass out the room when the pens started moving. I'd have been running down the hall by the time they hit the floor.

+1****8225 Koker43

good movie to base on true story

Eve Faustin

I love this movie. Powerful! poor girl.

Wayne Moore

Of course, that's our justice system, set a guilty man free!!!

Nicole Lawrence

love this movie, crazy 😧 a very powerful movie, sad story 😭


this happen in Germany and good movie

Caitlin Trinidad

my 8 year old told me who the real girl was little bastard


love it


a real life movie

William Cole

great movie

Philip Fauth


Slugga Tbg

the best one

Caitlin Trinidad

love this movie