The Family Man - 2000
Jack's lavish, fast paced life style changes one Christmas night when he disarms the gunman and then stumbles to a food store holdup. The next morning he wakes up in bed lying adjacent to Kate, his college sweetheart in order to pursue his livelihood, he abandoned, and also into the discovery that his former life no longer exists. Since he stumbles through this alternate globe, Jack finds himself at a cross road where he needs to choose between his high-power livelihood and the girl he loves.

Andres Bazan Jr.

Many of us wish we could go back and do things differently. So if your watching this or reading this; Live your life and take chances. So that one day you don't look back wishing you could have done it differently. Great Movie


that has to be the worst waking up to a family you don't remember making only for your daughter to not be able to pronounce her r's. I hate children that can't say their letter r.. it's as easy as curling your tongue you stupid retards

Mario Antwan evans

I wish at the end Jack Kate Annie Josh all them sitting at the table and Jack say this all I want a family in the film end

Jon Smith

this movie gives me anxiety wtf


Great Movie


great movie

Irlisa Jefferson

Great movie

Javier Pedroza

great movie