The Girl in the Pool - 2024
A well-to-do family man must get through a surprise birthday party thrown by his wife shortly after he has hidden the corpse of his murdered mistress.
Shannon Edwards
pretty good just felt there should been more, but the cocaine part was funny as hell they come flying out bathroom
Odis Bynum
I'm n last 10 mins of movie where comments pop up an so far this a pretty good ass movie 7/10 I'd say MAYBE a 8...
amy siders
Well the comments were basically all saying good except the comment before mine that was kinda a spoiler alert. but still gonna wstch it all!
Dustin Harweger
Freddie Prinze looks like Chris Watts now that he's gray...or maybe he just played this part really well...idk
okay so Freddy bugged the crap out of me in this movie... he acted lame
didn't expect this to be this good, under rated for sure
Ashley Forrester
so the son did it
Cayla Richardson
the movie was really good you gotta pay attention though or you won't understand it!
Liz Wisniewski
watchn it now hope it's a good 1
Valerie BK
good movie . he got his karma back bad . right on his bra also haha.
Mark Deaton
worst ending ever
Keturah Reaves
Fred has gone mad
Antonia Sambrano
This was a good movie. Darn.
Sandee Clingerman
90 minutes I won't get back...
Santia Martinez
good movie
Earl Jones
not to bad ok watch
Jack Silva
Amazing Movie
Boo Life
not bad
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