The Girl Next Door - 2004
Ambitious high schooler Matthew has aspirations for a career in politics if he falls in love. When he discovers Danielle was once a pornography superstar, but Matthew future is threatened. Since Danielle catches up with her, Matthew's love because of her forces him to reevaluate his targets.
Jason Webb
I remember when this movie came out. The DVD cover had Danielle on the cover and a piece of paper covering her up. The paper was to make it look like she didn't have her top on. My wife almost refused to let me buy it cause of this reason. When it was over, she said I loved it.
Joel Whisman
this has been my favorite movie since I was in middle school
Kazim Williams
Why do I actually want to fuck her tho
London Nuno
can I have your number
Ernest Morua
Paul dano did an excellent job in the movie "There will be blood"
This is a good movie! They look cute together.
good movie
Ernest Morua
she is gorgeous
Gammar Kuze
Good movie. It all worked out.
Sean Stone
every female pornstars favorite movieš¤£
Kitiibwa Edrine
Kazim Williams
The only person funny in this movie is Klitz
Felicia Jones
omg so good
Keathan Palmer
dude your 56 grow up
Davis Kenny
Jeremy Dillard
Jeremy Dillard
Ife Ilechukwu
Dylan Martinez
DY M N L co is
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