The Girl on the Train - 2016
Rachel Watson, ruined by her divorce, spends her everyday commute fantasizing and becomes entangled.
The Grinch
I'm in recovery from alcoholism. I can tell you Emily Blut and the FX were pretty spot on for how the blackout drunkenness feels!
Nina Salgado
The Book was so good I had to read it in one day because I couldn't put the book down!!THEY changed somethings but it's still good!! Emily is a great actress!!
John Wray
didn't see that plot twist comin
Kelly Kresge
Emily Blount put it on a great acting performance the entire cast really good
Tara White (Nurse Terra)
I love this film. It's just so raw.
Pablo Puentes
Emily blunt did awesome in this movie really good movie
Alexcis Colon
oh shit a guy fucked up his wife
Scot “scotty” Charron
she's fucking psychotic
Caleb Hardy
great writers even better cast movie was great drama crime
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