The Gray Man - 2022


Amazing movie. Simple as that. A mix between Rescue Mission and Jason Bourne. And was incredible. Ryan looking like 'it's just another thursday' even after fighting guy after guy it's very good. Like some lack of emotional side that takes the drama away and brings more action and yet there is a good and simple story underneath. Fantastic. The kind of movie I could watch several times like the ones I mentioned before. I hope there is going to be a second with him and the kid.


surprisingly good! Gosling's action films seem to be 10 for 10. the fingerless punch to the skull was absolutely hilarious and worth the watch just for that. my sides hurt from laughing.


This movie was terrific, it really needs a number two... as you are thrown into a world of action and at the end, you feel that not all loose ends were tied. One of the best action movies.


This looks really good. It'll never happen, but I'd love the Russo brothers to come back and make a standalone Winter Soldier movie. Captain America and the Winter Soldier is hands down one of the best MCU movies out there and a really good action movie too.


Chris Evans spent 10 years playing the most pure good guy in the MCU and now he's just taking any opportunity to play a villain, love to see it


Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans so easily could have played eachothers roles, it might even be more of a natural fit but I think they nailed it. Best movie of the year so far


This movie is absolutely amazing, Chris Evans kills it in every scene he's at. 10/10 if you're into action movies in general, and spy movies in particular.

Rich Macero

Absolutely fantastic movie ,great cast of actors, Ryan was fantastic as was Chris and Ana was every bit gorgeous, loved her fight scenes. The movie was a 10 ,let's bring on The Gray Man 2 of course with Ryan and Ana ....


Chris Evan really enjoy playing as bad guy lately and i'm all for it. also happy to see Ryan Gosling and Ana de Amas in the same movie again

gee wiltshier

The gray man, sit back relax and enjoy this movie is well worth 2 hours off your time, if you like action thriller movies look no further

Vikki Ross

This was a fully loaded story! Liked that it really had two storylines playing off of one another, with deeper meaning between the characters. Loved this movie!!!


This movie was everything I expected. 10/10 for me, amazing action movie, good story. Great cast, Chris Evans played an amazing villain.


Loved every second of this. They did a great job adapting it from the book, if you've read the series you'll be pleased with this.


very much enjoyed it! The snappy dialogue was hilarious and the acting was fantastic. 9.5/10 Would definitely recommend ❤️


Honestly this was a fun action movie. Some good silly jokes and references tossed in there too. Plenty of action too.


what a great movie...did not expect that level of acting and amazing directing. Felt engaged from start to finish.

Tina Moody

love this movie..she blew the whole fucking building..looovvvee it .oh yes


So great to see Ryan in a action movie that's worthy. The action scenes are a little over the top but that's what action movies do.

Billy Haney

pretty impressive and that's saying alot in today's cinema

Zawraqh Andari

woah, I am not used to having Chris Evans as the villain plus that stach does not suite him