The Great Wall - 2016
European mercenaries searching for black powder eventually become embroiled at the defense of China's Great Wall against a horde of creatures.
This movie was f****** incredible, great cast.Great plot a definitely keeps.You glued to the screen.Put on your seat belt and get ready for a ride You're gonna love this one right here.I definitely give it a
Elayne Brant
A well done horror movie. 9 out of 10. I find that most horror movies are not well made. This one exceeded my expatiation and then some.
this is a plausible story. ive seen a mountain of type of movie. almost to the point of an obsession . i find them to tend to be a little corny ,overly theatrical, old fashioned retellings of basically folklore. all have some type of prejudice, sex,race,financial e
i found no prejudice that wasnt addressed. awesome
Joseph Maysonet
exelente película nunca me cason de ver la
Steve l
this is before everything went woke and LGBTQ and whatever else unfortunately..get ready it's just going to get worse..
anyhony gabrielle
Yup. Awesome, And Historically,Could Be Quite Accurate. Considering How Big %hat Fuckin Wall Is Lol 😅🤣😆
Robert Perez
it's a very good movie 🎬
Earl Jones
I've never get tired of this movie an epic adventure and deserves a 9 rating
One Way Up Accounting
love this movie fan of Jian tiag beautiful girl in of course of mat in Pedro
I'm right outside your door
movie was great wow that's all I can tell you you're very good absolutely excellent
Raymond Cruz
this is one of favorite movies
officially the best movie of 2016
Jody Bihh
awesome fuckin movie
Cristian Dominguez
great movie
something different
Franklin Godfrey
like move
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