The Hand that Rocks the Cradle - 1992
A suburban family chooses seemingly sweet Peyton Flanders because their newborn's nanny. Only much later will Claire Bartel, the child's mother, realize the true intentions of Peyton -- to destroy Claire and replace her. The suspense assembles quickly in this psychological thriller about bitter and deception revenge.
Keyana Henry
Love, love , love ... I love this 🎬 I'm here for it
Tawanna Reeder
one of my absolute favorite movies
Lone Star
Good movie that wife of doctor Mott was crazy and the looks she gave people creepy. Clare got her in the end .
Jamal Vargas
One Of The Darkest Films Disney Put Out Through Hollywood Pictures underrated film label deserves more credit
I have no issues with this app love this movie too
This is still 1 of my FAVORITE Movies
Brittany Stigleman
this movie is one of my favorites, I was so hurt by what she was doing and that poor handicap man so sad
Farida Roberts
I don't like your movie channel you can't sit and enjoy the movie with out stopping though the movie.You gotta do better than this Period!!!!!!I give you a P
This is a very good movie.
This app doesn't connect to my roku
Mishandled Biohazard
The summary is written by someone who didn't care for correct grammar. Make brain hurt me.
Ricky Jones
man o man one of my favorites but it keeps buffing
Michael Clearwater
I like this movie a lot is a lot of fun
Michael Clearwater
I love this film that's very good film
Konnoisseur Krystal
Good ass movie
Batman Rivera
the one
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