The Head Hunter - 2019
On the outskirts of a kingdom, even a silent but fierce medieval warrior protects the kingdom from the occult and monsters. His collection of heads is missing just one - the monster that killed his daughter years back. Inspired by a thirst for revenge, wild expanses travel . When his chance arrives, it's in a sense far more dreadful than he imagined.

Raging Scorpio

At first I was going to give up on the movie. slowest paced movie I have ever seen, like watching a documentary of mud being returned to dirt. Halfway in, you are ready to rip that shudder off the cabin! Slow, boring and a waste of time to watch...👎

Johnny Boys

how the f*** did this movie get a rating of 8. 0 are there that many stupid f****** people out there.. this movie was absolute SHIT...!!! there's only one action scene where he fights a monster and that's at the very end when he's fighting a human skeleton with a little monster

Johnny Boys

I got conned by watching this movie because of you f****** idiots that read this 8.0 thinking that it would have to get better because of the rating but it got worse and worse... FUCK YOU MORONS WHO LIKED THIS MOVIE...!!!

bobby moore

This is brilliant cinema but not for everyone. Like opera or ballet. If you don't like the first 15 minutes, just move on because the movie and story are very stylized, and that doesn't change. If movies were fine paintings consider this a Picaso.

Thomas Mcdonald

the one thing I don't like about the movie is the fact that the monster that they showed the most was the monster that looked the most ridiculously stupid. this movie really could have took it to a different level but it shot it down to nothing.

Adam Mathew

good movie although it doesn't show anything really leaves it up to imagination but it's not bad I liked it ending is fucked

Jeff Siko

no doubt about it, this movie was slow. but something not sure what it is, got me to keep watching.

kent alexander

Slow starter but good movie. I like it when everything isn't spelled out for you.Fix the damn shutters!

Eric Ruiz

If you seen him crush the spider then you know why it ended the why it did fix the window oh yeah should he have been immortal from that same stuff

Daniel Parsons

This movie sucks big hairy donkey balls, If you read the comments before you watch don't even waste your time

fenrir odinsbane

ok im just long it takes him to get all that gear off to take a shit.....

Aaron Maxwell

Could have been a pretty cool movie If they showed the monsters and him battling them I don't think they had a budget for that. So I would say it's pretty bad movie

Jayson Webb

I was really impressed, mostly. If you liked The VVitch then give it a go. Like others said, it's really slow and leaves a lot to the viewers imagination.

Aaliyah Ponton

yea whatever bobby moore whomever you are comparing a movie with a rating of 8.0 to a 🎨🖌️ is beyond me if we have to disect movies or compare them to miscellaneous things on the earth then why have movie night really..... knowing we choose the movie on the rating mostly

Kelley Reese

Reading the comments while watching the movie turned it into a comedy - horror.

Willie Rivera

yes [06💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯❤️👍🤠🥃

Timothy Haltner

This could have been awesome. Pretty boring even if using imagination and Yada yaada. Could have had some epic fight over a naked princess tied to a tree about to get ravaged by the living dead instead of some 8 year old a mile away from the homestead that only sleeps on ground[0

Johnny Cortez

Guys , he chased a skull and spine all around the jungle...HAHAHAHA by that time I saw that, it was already too late... they got me too...

Johnny Boys

how the f*** is this movie rated still an "8"...!!?? I used to think the rating system was fairly good, but this definitely proves it that it is full of s*** . that's why I watched this s*** movie from beginning to end thinking it has to get better, but nope..!!!


the movie was wired to me shit I miss the whole concept can somebody tell me what did I just watch