The Hollow Child - 2018
Samantha has lived her whole life in different foster homes. Now living in a small town, she never feels like she quite fits in, even with her own current foster family who might adopt her, or the boy who follows her around doing her classwork. So, it’s perhaps natural that she doesn’t know what to do with a curious tagalong little sister named Olivia. One day, Sam callously ditches Olivia, who wanders off into the woods on her own and disappears.

John Nash

I'm glad you guys put up positive posts. I would have passed on this movie,glad I didn't. good flick

amy siders

This movie is a good one to watch out of 1-10 I would say 8 1/2 ☆'s


Damn you ugly as fuck!


I like this movie

German Allison


cristal crew

good movie