The Invisible Man - 1933
Working in Dr. Cranley's lab, scientist Jack Griffin was always given the latitude to run some of their own experiments. His abrupt death, but has Cranley's daughter Flora focused on him. Griffin has obtained an area at the nearby Lion's Head Inn, expecting to undo an experiment he ran on himself who made him invisible. But his brain has additionally warped, which makes him dangerous and aggressive. He is willing to do whatever is needed to restore his physical appearance.


This is one of my favorite classical horror movies

Steven McGee

yes a classic movie from the early days of Hollywood


the only thing I would like this to do is when I play something from my list when that movie is over to go right into the next one other than that this time is a incredible the MED is the very Best 👍👍

Jerry Barkley

I love these old movies

Pete The Meat

Love these old English movies, the invisible man has a bad temper lol

Gary L. Middleton

awesome movie

alianza alianza

i love invisible man

Pete The Meat

I also love the speeches.

Angelo J Richetti


William Irish

you fools

Bob 01
