The Jester - 2023
A malevolent being known as The Jester terrorizes the inhabitants of a small town on Halloween night, including two estranged sisters who must come together to find a way to defeat this evil entity.

Alfred Lazzatti

Man, what did you all do to The Jester?!! He was awesome!!! Reasons for what he did were unclear, but he did it with a panache and style that made me dig this cat's entire silent, overdramatic posturings, and bring what wrongs to light... This is messed up.

Brenda Joyner

I broke down and paid the 4.99$ a month for no ads.


they got this movie from YouTube they made like three of these around Halloween three short films about 5 minutes each


the Jester's character was great, but the movie itself was horrible. this movie get a 3 out of 10 only because of the Jester character I gave it a 3. if not for the Jester, it would have gotten a -3 lol not even a 0.

Joe Diaz

not a bad movie,i never heard or seen anything of this film before.Ofcourse it gives me "Art The Clown" vibes because of his silent dancing,smiles,and tricks/moves.It would def be an interesting match or movie of there was some kind of potential to film Terrifier vs. Jester! [011

Torsha Sallas

y is the slots crap still on it if it was updated

Tanika Howze

This movie is good about serial ki**er daughter. Pay attention you will get lost

owens daniels



wtf who rated this shit? ☹️☹️👎👎

Philip Schaeffer

y'all show to many adds can't enjoy the movies


this is how terrifier started just like one of these little small movies


movie was aight. no where as good as terrifier but 4 us horror fanatics it's solid

Don Mohler

I thought it was a good watch. Something of a mix between Sinister and IT. I don't mind that it was born from short films. I think it was entertaining.

Chris Hernandez Sr.

In the beginning his daughter was a bitch to him. please don't treat your parents like that guys. Life's Short!

Jhon Escobar

the scape.gaot is El diablo go i don't not dismiss can be the.cataclist where it hides behind. you dont.wann kill you wann cure enhance can be helpfull. but if can to the point extra things that are great proffesi9naly sp3ak8ng happing and many areas. maybe an new God don't unkn

Jacy James

5 minutes into movie.."slots" adds. cant stand those dudes. bad stream. not watching ✌🏽

Jhon Escobar

it's hard from thru. look for help I pulled thru no shame. beat adicti9n not just pass.thru the program. it no you does no look go but there something g going on beyond the asked eye. I trying to correct with some help. if you come to do any of se them drugs at le

Cindy Alnaese

quite a twist for new horror also has a little bit of psychology in it watch it till the end keeps your mine to wondering

Tara White (Nurse Terra)

I've already rewatched this film like 100x because it's that good.Pay for the ad blocker because it's worth it. If you don't, you'll see slot ads continually.

Intensive Healings

maaannn wtf this was so boring and confusing only person who is actually dead is the Dad! this was a waste of my time that I can not get bk😒