The Last Airbender - 2010
The narrative follows the adventures of Aang, a youthful successor to a long line of Avatars, from enslaving the Air, Earth and Water nations that must put his youth ways aside and stop the Fire Nation.

Zalen Mcduffie

You CAN find this fun, That's actually a good thing. But you can't deny that this movie isn't a good ADAPTATION. Literally. most of this is nothing like the show.

Le'Andrey Duncan

i saw this movie first hand im theaters let me tell you i love this movie its a phenomenal movie

jesse asiedu

they pronounced the names alll the way wrong and there was nooo dragon spirit in the actual series

Carly Moore

This was my favorite movie growing up, always will be. I don't really like the series though.

Moses Willy

breh I was so excited to watch the new avatar and I watched it but it was the same one I watched

still waiting on part 2 of this movie. guess I'll just stop holding my breath


the last part of this movie is so beautiful, I really wish M. Night Shyamalan would have made a part 2 and 3 and more.

Ben Johnson

this new avatar movie is so much different than the animated one

Jeferson Pineda

waste of actors and this stuff is absolutely terrible the show is way better

test test

really good


They better make a part 2 maybe even a part 3 if they need too.


I really wish they made a part 2 "movie" but now Netflix came with the series both I enjoyed...but wish they can get past the water nation, I dont want to watch the cartoon!!!!

Jojo Vanisckle

yeah i got to amit that this movie aint good its awesome

Mary Martin

my favorite movie

Jose Encarnacion


Yo Mama

this is nothing like the show. it's trash. his arrow is supposed to be blue and they pronounced his name wrong. and everyone's design was wrong as well.

Melvin Grace III

man this boy is fire he did all that from emotions

Bernard Harrington

No asians in this movie so far what's up with that

Alicia Jones

this movie was terrible it had bad CGI appa look weird and they messed up everything I don't this movie is bad it's really

Jose Encarnacion
