The Last Man on the Moon - 2016
The 1960s was an extraordinary time for the United States. Unburdened by post-war reparations, Americans were preoccupied with different improvements such as NASA, the game-changing space programme which put Neil Armstrong on the moon. Yet it was astronauts like Eugene Cernan who paved the road that is irregular, perilous . A test pilot that lived to court danger, '' he was recruited and 14 different men in a process that saw them get to be the closest of adversaries and friends. In this atmosphere, Cernan was along with his trip being the final lunar mission of NASA, one of only three men who was sent twice to the heavens. Since he looks back at what he adored and lost at Houston, an eventful life that is incomparably appears into perspective. Director Mark Craig crafts a gently epic biography which unites the living astronauts with archival footage and other worldly moonscapes' insight.