The Last Sharknado: It's About Time - 2018
With much of America lying in ruins, the rest of the world braces for Fin a international sharknado and his family members needs to travel round the globe.

Dylan Meadows

I'm sorry but I have a question did a 2 year old make this movie because I'm sorry it had bad acting bad animations and it was horrible in my opinion but that may just be my opinion

Jypzi Love

I know a few folks don't get it. I loved it. except the voice & lip sync was off. the parodies were fun & they finally threw the kitchen sink (if you're old school you get it) at Fin, meaning the end. I hate to break up a collection so I will add it too!

Ajibike Oshiyemi

Love this

D Underwood

I had a feeling sharks 🦈 had something to do with the extinction of the mighty dinosaur

D Underwood

Perfect weed movie 🎥

Tessa Adams

where's 4 and 5 movies?