The Leech - 2022
A devout priest welcomes a struggling couple into his house at Christmas time. What begins as a simple act of kindness quickly becomes the ultimate test of faith once the sanctity of his home is jeopardized.

Michele Lein

because she didn't trust his motives for helping and talking to all the women here; he would never cheat, but has a big heart and is very friendly.He did lock her out of his mom's day because he thought she had smoked some of his weed or maybe his mom's medical marijuana.

Michele Lein

he usedto sleep under a bridge becausehis mom' smallplace was fullwith her two daughters and onedaughter's kids. He's loud, gregarious, and will embellish stuffwhile talkingyour ear off.He dresses the same way,smokes,and is good-hearted,but chronically "in a transitional phase".

Michele Lein

The apt. managers think he's homeless because he carries around 1/8 of his stuff on his back (he has a LOT of stuff, so that 1/8 is a lot) so he's not allowed to stay for more than two nights, nor can his mom add him onto the lease because of that. Before he got his current gf,

Michele Lein

I'm not kidding, but Jamie also sings loud (he actually has a good voice) and is the DJ for a small restaurant in the town south ofours. For awhile, his gf wouldstay with himat his mom's, too, but like I said, management didn't allow it, and they would fight

Michele Lein

'Terry' looks and has a similar situation to my "part-time" neighbor, Jaimie. Jaimie stays next door at his mom's when he and his girlfriend aren't getting along. All his stuff is there. Everywhere. He has no car. He walks or rides his bicycle- .everywhere.

Michele Lein

BTW, the women here, except for the married ones and the single ones with a ton of kids are all his mom's age, and he already has an ex and a teen daughter.

Michele Lein

OMG!- Jaimie burps unreservedly just like Terry, too