The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - 2003
Aragorn is revealed as the heir to the ancient kings as the different members of this fellowship struggle, Gandalf and he to save Gondor out of the forces of Sauron. Meanwhile, Sam and Frodo bring to the heart of Mordor, the dark lord's kingdom.

Tammy DeBoard

I think Sam is the hero. Frodo couldn't have done any of it without him. I just didn't like Sam carrying all those pots and pan even after they were long out of food. He finally got rid of all that junk right before he started carrying Frodo. Sam's the man well the hobbit.

Bethany Wood

these extended editions give the movies alot more context and make them better as a whole. like in the movie b4 this one I found out that aragorn is 80 something and isn't just a human. like wtf since when was that a thing. glad they kept the extended versions.

Jon Ball

(Aragorn) The beacons are lit! The beacons on Minas Tirith are lit! Gondor calls for aid. (Theoden) Ok calm down. We will send some guys. LOL

Tammy DeBoard

I like all 3 of these movies but I could do without that big ugly spider. And Pippin is the dumbest thing in all 3 movies. He screws up in every movie. I know thats how it's wrote but you think he'd learn. Can't fix stupid


I could watch lord of the rings over & over again... now I about to watch the rings of power

Panda Panda Panda

little brutal about seriamans death weren't we. WOW was not expecting that after he fell.

Terry Westin

I had the box set my one thing was to watch all 3 from start to end on my day off never did.

Jon Ball

I wish they would have showed these version's of Lord of the Rings in the theater.

Emmanuel Hartley

I love all the characters in The Hobbit and The Lord the rings like they're so great such a classic to watch and they should be and anyone should watch them for audiences young and old the story is 10 out of 10 and it's just super great I love the relationship between frodo and S

Shellie England

I watch all the hobbit movies first then all the lord of the rings

Shaun MacReady

seeing what happened to sauron and how bloody powerful gandalf is... such amazing moments and the added scenes reslly change the movie that much more. can't wait to watch the hobbit hoping there added scenes


well it's getting late and I got to get up in the morning I got work I got to do so like I said man The Hobbit trilogy fellowship of the rings The two towers and the return of the King they're three great movies I mean I really like movies like this sorcery and you know just it's

Shaun MacReady

these extended versions are actually amazing like so much good information in these deleted scenes that should have been in movie

Isiah Steele

Love The Trillogy !!! It's like escaping to a time and age. I STILL REMEMBER WATCHING WHEN they first ran! My favorites!!

Grim Reaper

they need to make more movies of this movie

syrie holloway

I have really enjoyed all three lord of the rings and the Hobbit it never gets old. I love this movie I could watch it all the time

Corey Jenkins

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Shaun MacReady

Golem... sometimes I feel bad for the little guy. he tried to become smeagle. he was so loving and helpful and the men just beating him grabbing him by throat, no wonder he changed back. no wonder how he hid in the caves away from all. just like life can be cruel

Shannon Estela Guerrero


Kasandra Justiniano

if candles supposed to be so powerful and this Almighty wizard how come he really never does anything but shine some bright light and talk to a mother to you know that's really about it so like why is he really even a part of the fellowship and all that like he really doesn't do