The Marksman - 2021
A rancher on the Arizona border becomes the unlikely defender of a young Mexican boy desperately fleeing the cartel assassins who've pursued him into the U.S.

Bekki Wampler

Good flick! this is for sure how the cartel are cowards that hide behind women and children and use them to get that poison into the states using corruption and greed and addiction. Anyone living on the border should own LOTS of guns.

Deondrey mccoy

I want to know why They burnt the money up

marco farias

idk why people are hating this movie. one of his best, in my opinion.


I'm pissed that they burnt the money up, could of used that to start a new life or something 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

Raynaldo Leos

everyone in the United States should own a gun for protection!

Hector Garcia

very great quality. I am very happy, excited, and content with my one week trial purchase


cartels from Mexico earn 20 billion through drugs and laundering

Anthony Dane

this better be good if it sucks ass I'm gunna be pissed


they could've bought another car with that money. used or even new.

Brian McCloskey

it will make the world a better place but kilo

William Cole

great movie 🍿

Eddie De La Rosa

Did he pass away because of his injuries ?

William Cole

great movie 🍿

Marcia Shown

I'm glad they burned the money!

Gerardo Martinez

they needa make more like this

Luis aviles

he is one of my10 top actors.


didn't he get shot?

Pat Watson

stupid movie