The Matrix - 1999
Set in the 22nd century, The Matrix tells the story of a computer hacker that joins a group of underground insurgents fighting the vast and powerful computers who now rule the ground.

Thomas Davidson

not the work bussiness...people FLOCK incorrectly did <s...mission failed...studios stadiums..the great ocean our perfect perfect everything not correct. TOP secret me and all new not space race news...coverups lose top priority biohazards 911 emergency services im. not at h

Samuel Stewart

And look where we are now , AIs! Scientists need to stop being obsessed with progress and try to learn that the creations they're making could lead to the events of The Matrix or The Terminator. Think smarter not harder.

Miss Un-PC

It's 2023. It feels like we're in this movie now. And, it's weird.

Jon Ball

Do you want to know what the Matrix is? No one can tell you. You have to see it for yourself.

Malcolm Honea

now the person kicked him to see if he's dead they're supposed to be more advanced than him why check his pulse in the movie to see if he did when they should know he's dead that is limo

Zawraqh Andari

guys, ok so in this movie Keanu Reaves the actor of neo said "guns, lots of guns". few years later he makes a movie, John Wick, and he says the same thing, "guns, lots of guns". Wow!


Clearly The one who wrote about the one is the same one who is also twisting the truth and bending it to his onw way . He's definitely talking about Jesus Christ & The Holy power of the truth. The one who came to saved us all from Eternal Darkness and eternal Pain in his Grace .


Death has been defeated. Jesus Won against the Darkness. Jesus Won't against Death . Jesus won us Eternal Life we need to believe in Him . His The One .The one h The chosen one . The one who could remake the matrix as he sees fit.

Vernon Winston



This Movie, "THE MATRIX" The Beginning Of A.I. In Our Lives. On A Scale Of 1-5, I Give This Movie 5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟✅️ Welcome To The World Of A.I.‼️

Paula Dille jones

OK well the Belly button Thing was Disturbing. LMBO


The Savior of the world . The Real World. To you all chosen ones . when death comes call upon the name of Jesus and ye shall see his Salvation.

Ruben Flores

I love this movie I can never get enough of it

Arjun 1

Great this app has gotten better


The one who Died and was also the one who resurrected overcoming death and beings risen more powerful than ever for all Eternity. Glory to God .

Mishael Valdez

they also cut the hyuah in the middle of the movie when they enter the fight scene in the business building with all the guns get scanned....

Daniel Loewen

Awesome movie 👍 can't believe I didn't watch this sooner

Drrrtrr list

First time trtin g it is any one online

Drrrtrr list

Kinda disappointed I wanted it t to on

Tyrone Havies
