The Mist - 2007
After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton along with his son . They realize that the mist hides worse, their sanity , and deadly horrors that threaten their lives.
Joseph Bochichio
Hollywood hates Christ and Christians for they always portray a Christian as a nut case. I am a Christian and been a believer since '84 and no Christian I know acts like that crazy woman. I shouldn't be surprised since Jesus said they will hate you because they hate me.
See ya
this is a awesome movie I love it, because of all the strange creatures in it! Stephen King is a awesome writer! and all you people on here talking bad about christens should be ashamed! not all christens are crazy, that's like saying all black people can play basketball well!
Jason Reid
The Mist is right now airing on basic TV Bounce network channel. The Hebrew Israelites and the coming for the chosen nations. The messiah King of the Jews Yahawashi mentioned. we're all in the right now last days I.
you know I don't consider that woman a christen because she cussed! that is why I called her a religious woman instead of a christen! christens don't cuss or if they do they respect others and not cuss around them! we are not perfect no one is but, God, Jesus an the holy Spirit!
I'm a Christian and I loved when that guy shot the religious woman twice one to the stomach and second to the head! so very awesome part of the movie for sure!
Maximum Gen
you know some one is annoying when you have people rather risk there life then staying.
this is exactly how Americans would behave in this situation just totally heartless uncaring cowards cowards to the fullest and most extreme
this is a very spooky movie and it's a good movie all the same and it was sad to end the way it did
Dean Raney
I hate how it gets all religious but that's what religion is. just a way to scare you into being good. good thing to have incentive to be a good person but that's only if you have faith or are just scared. more men women and children have been raped murdered and tortured over
Jon Fisher
I wouldve fed the jim jones christian nutty woman to the octopus from hell on day 1🐙
really horrific movie with a sad ending
then ending is one of the best ever. Truly heartbreaking but hope is what he gave up on and that the price of losing it
jorge alfonso
They portray Christianity as crazy for one follower. it is not. accept reality and follow the consequences. don't freak out.
X Breezy
FYI, the soldier that got kicked out of store to monsters is Deacon St John from Days Gone 🏍️🧔🏻♀️
Rodney Merus
he killed everyone in the car and THAT'S when the military wanna come help. 🤣 🤣
the dumbest ending of any movie ever created ever in the history of Cinema ever and ever will be
Teddy Bear
idk what everyone's going on about religion, that seems to be a personal problem of y'all's on finding a reason to hate an religion but your own. this movie is an amazing movie, Its also pretty funny.
Earl Jones
true horror movie I still freak out every time I see this good movie
Chris XxsmilexX
only If he had waited 👀
jorge alfonso
nope, you have to kill me in a fight, I'm not going down for that so easily.. never give up like that, die standing and fighting. keep your shame intact the best you can.
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