The Moderator - 2022


The really ironic thing about this movie? The fact that the main character apparently is motivated to avenge the two girls who were camping together and were then killed by three "terrorist" types. This is actually based on a fairly recent event in which two girls from Europe were beheaded by three Muslim men while they were camping in an unsafe area in the Middle East. These girls actually thought it was a smart and "adventurous" thing to do being as they were "westerners," grad students, and thought they could "take care of themselves." In point of fact this type of thinking was (and still is) inspired by these ridiculous woke films (and ideologies) in which a 108 lbs female goes around kicking the arses of men double her weight, double her speed, and probably triple her strength and overall ferocity. Maybe Hollywood needs to spend a little less time pedaling this woke narrative and bring a bit more common sense to their films.


Low budget and not realistic in the slightest There's no way this woman is capable to fighting against men a lot bigger than her. "now that's what happens when you harass a girl" Yeah big ???? another female empowerment movie... They turn out well ? ? ?


Yes, of course, because a 5'2" 115lb woman can kick the crap out of 300 pound man. When is Hollywood gonna learn people are smarter than that. Or are they? Ruby Rose much?


115 pound lady with an mma class takes out full grown jacked men, so realistic.


I love badass women lmfao. ?. I want my wife to be able to kick my ass ?


Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell. Happy to see he's coming back to our screens.


I love watching women kick ass. I'd watch this in a heartbeat...


Another barbie taking out men triple her size ?


Looks surprisingly interesting!


This looks really good


Looks quite good.