The Mummy Returns - 2001
Rick and Evelyn O'Connell, Together with their son Alex, Find the key to This legendary Scorpion King's might: the Legendary Bracelet of Anubis. Unfortunatelya newly resurrected Imhotep has layouts on the bracelet as well, and it isn't above kidnapping its new bearer, Alex, to obtain hands of Anubis army.

Tammy DeBoard

I like all 3 mummy movies but part 2 is my favorite. Their son is just like them both. He's got his dad's courage and his mom's clumsyness. He knocked over the pillars like she did in the library in part 1.

Vikki Ross

I've always liked this series. these movies do have some amazing special effects!

Mark Carballo

Even though it's old AF! great movie especially to put both the Scorpion King and Mummy together the only disappointment is they didn't really fight and it looked like the Mummy wasn't strong enough to even give him a good fight...


I love some of the landmarks they used in this movie. And London also has alot of beautiful castles and cathedrals. Enjoy.

Tammy DeBoard

For all 3 movies. Love them all

Ellis Berry

I hate to be one of the neggers you always find in the comment section. But as great as this movie is, I wish the foreign languages were subtitled as well.

Tammy DeBoard

At 1:00:29 When they go in front of the moon it reminds me of ET.

Bart Simpson

always been a big fan of all 3 movies πŸŽ₯. The entire cast all gave 100% .. Tru actors... True classic film πŸ“½οΈπŸŽ₯ work

CupOf Joe

I love this movie since to beginning first one and the second.


Brandon Fraser is sure skinny looking his last movie I saw he was kind of fat looking

Tatanisha Jones

this is a cool movie

Laddie Jones

I 😘 ve itgreat movie it show afamliy stick togeter


this show is okay but I prefer the original mummy

Steven Banegas


patricia lomeli

I remember this movie!