The Other Lamb - 2020
A haunting and nightmarish tale that tells the story of Selah, a young girl born into a repressive cult known as the Flock. The members of the Flock – all women and female children– live in a rural compound, and are led by one man, known only as Shepherd. Selah, a daughter who is on the cusp of teenage-hood, is given the great honor of participating in the sacred ritual of the birthing of the lambs – upon which they depend for survival – where she has a shocking and otherworldly experience. She begins to have strange visions that make her question her own reality, and everything the Shepherd has taught her and her sisters.
Theresa Sainato
There are special places in hell specifically, designed for assholes like him.
hawaii wednesday
the song are good the story was good and good lesson for teenagers my age
hawaii wednesday
this movie was so crazy but good at sometime
Victoria Abramson
um they missed putting blood on the one girls face In the beginning but she's just as happy as if she had it lol
I like how interesting the end turned out to be.
Sharon Rice
that fucking goat!! creepy assb
loved it
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