The Rise of the Beast - 2022
A group of activists break into a government facility in hope to expose what they're doing.. Only to realise they are in more danger than they could of ever imagined when a wild beast breaks free.

Tabatha Asbury

hello creators why isn't this the movie it says if this doesn't change I'll uninstall and report it to all social media sites

Tameko Frazier

this might be just the worst movie I've ever seen laughing out loud the director must have been high as f***

Dr. Mindbender

if I seen anybody EATING another human, your ass is not coming with me, oh hell no

John Purdy

this movie was the worst ever! it dosnt even r this was the worst movie ever! dosnt even rate as a B movie more like an F!!!


Stupid ass movie, lead actor was was a pussy can't even beat up on the Colonel.

Harvey Buchanan

this was a waste of an hour and 17 minutes


this movie gave me donkey Kong vibes


The worst CGI I've have ever seen

Dr. Mindbender

uh oh blooper, she eats her friend with no blood on her face 59:40

Chris Santos

terrible movie nothing to do with transformers

Randalus Wilson

horrible acting horrible movie

Jetaun Strong

it's great movie! better than buying them


absolutely a terrible movie, and a waste of time

5 min into it I can not


Wow! Definitely terrible CGI effects.


good movie

Carlos Flores

monkey stupid

Christine Benaiah

this baby would be top tier on tubi

Joshua Jr

dumb as were are the transformers

Jule Manning

not. bad at all