The Second Coming of Christ - 2018
The journey of a woman scientist who, at the end of times, discovers that true Faith can bring Miracles.
Dan Danny
this ain't right they show him on the cross and then all of a sudden it shows the modern times this will definitely was a waste of time this actually makes no sense this movie.
Dan Danny
cannot wait for the real Resurrection movie to be shown. I honestly think this movie is just an insult. makes no sense
Mark a Saye
You can count on Hollywood getting something wrong as written in the Bible, but this got it all wrong. Terrible movie.
Once you sell your soul to the devil that's it. You can't go to be with Jesus in Heaven.
Carrieann Stallcup
this is not how when Jesus comes back it will be not at all....
Carrieann Stallcup
This was IDK
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