The Seeding - 2024
When a hiker gets lost in the desert, a gang of feral children propelled by haunting legacies traps him in a sadistic battle for survival with a frightening endgame.

Thomas Mcdonald

if you enjoy wasting 3 hours of your life watching a movie that is absolutely atrociously filmed and has no plot storyline or point enjoy this movie you will. whoever decided make this pile of crap should definitely kill themselves it'll be more entertaining

Aleah Wilson

You know I'm noticing that ALL these new movies are about the world being different or people acting different. The messages are right in front of our face🤔


It WASN'T Scary to me..It may be to other's..That are Not used to ULTRA Violent Stuff.. Like what the What NEW French Extreme& Other Foreign Cinemas Are Making..But "The Seeding"is OK..But Predictable.. It's Just Not a Scary Flick in my Book..


did you ever watch a movie and think if it was me I would get out of the hole and kill a bunch of kids? well if so then this is your flick! 😜

Damond Dingal

Why would you follow a kid that says he's lost into a cave ! doesn't he know that this is the beginning of every horror movie.


oh wow first to comment can't believe it this is a great movie if you like scary movies this one's for you

Datrell Barnett

how in the hell he found himself in the hole in the first place and why the fuck would you follow some weird child in the first place

Roy Venters

my comment would be about the movie itself it is weird and very unlikely to be in a hole with no way out and have power and water going to it and everything Solid Rock go figure but finish watching the movie

Lyle Victor

Is every guy fucking stupid or is it just me.. "Don't be a dumby let it out on her tummy"


1st off. the moment the little shit stood up in the beginning after saying he was "lost" and the said his parents are "this way", I would've left his little ass walking.

Kenney B2



Well that was weird. Not bad though. I didn't care for Midsommar, but this movie has similar vibes. Cult shit. 6.5 / 10

Felix Austin

been saying that directors today don't know how to make scary movies like clive barker and Stephen King did. 80's scary movies were the best. this will be in the history books for the worst horror movies. I'll stick to watching 80's scary movies.

Ouro Boros

This movie was stupid. It was sad, but stupid. They did all this just to make their crappy desert clan bigger.


spoiler alert :but I have to say what the hell? they said nothing goes to waste in the desert but then they just let his body rot in the desert I thought they were going to eat him and it get real good?


So sad. I forgot to remember how he ended up there... and because of that reason; I didn't notice how near his death was until the last three minutes of actual filming. This is such a sad movie.

RyanAngel Ready


shawon chester

boring ass movie. Thumbs down for me..👎👎


the plot is that they are trying to perpetuate their race of inreds. hence the seeding

amy siders

I definetly got to watch it now after reading the comments.