The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh Part 1 - 2022
Tristan, the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth, inherits the power of the Goddess Clan and can heal people’s wounds and injuries, but he often ends up hurting others due to his inability to control his Demon Clan power. To protect his family, Tristan heads to Edinburgh Castle and meets a host of new friends along the way.
Katie Wood
Netflix has it in English part 1 and 2
why can't I put it in English English
Diane Watkins
English English English
Evelin Jazmin
how do I put it in inglish
Gg Ff
add the actual show
Becky Bryant
😡😡 This is a horrible remake
Javelle Adams
this is the my first time watching and it is awesome
Roosevelt Reed
Lorian Richards
w we rsessdre WV joyless
Roberto Perez
I like to see more of this anime the seven sins and English
Darcie B
part2 please
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