The Shed - 2019
The story of Stan, an orphaned teenager stuck living with his grandfather that is abusive and tasked with protecting his very best friend from high school servants. When Stan discovers a murderous monster has taken refuge he tries to combat the demon independently until his bullied friend discovers the monster and also has a far more sinister plan in mind.

Sean Howarth

vampires aren't supposed to be able to come into your house unless you invite them in so it shouldn't have mattered that she didn't do the Attic

Tracy Rieon Hall

this is crazy if it's a vampire why didn't it just come out and kill him at night


she takes a trip down memory lane by stopping to look at prom pics

Lance Wolfe

t. c. it's a good movie if you like ?

Christopher Powell

Great horror movie. In a world today where just about everything has been done . This new version of vampires is a breath of fresh air. awesome.

Supreme Infinite7

This movie was the most stupid ever... I couldn't watch it all the way through. his role was to play the most dumbest scary slow mf ever

Joseph Guerassio

he waited to get the shot gun until the end of the movie,stupid.

Frankie Deleski

Way better than the walking dead. Best movie of all time. Classic for decades to come. Will watch again over and over

Brandon Whitlock

and mz z .zzz. z z z zz .z zz. zz z .z.z z z. z:⁠-⁠O>⁠.⁠<o⁠:⁠-⁠)🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🚕🍭🍭🧋🍭🧋🍭🌮🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🧋🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🧋🧋🧋🧋🧋🍭🍭:⁠-⁠O🚕🛒🛒🛒🛒🛒🛒🛒🛒🛒🛒🚪🚪🚪🧸💿🚪🧸:⁠-⁠O:⁠-⁠O👑👑👑👑

The Grinch

Them got DAYUM boys have been whacking it in my tool shed again!

Araina Matthews

the tap tap tap tap with the hammer gets me everytime on movies

Meaghan Abramson

plus Shane should have double checked before dark came to see whether his whole house was boarded up nobody knows your house better than you do how was she supposed to know that you haven't added but judging by the looks of the house on the outside with the roof and possibly thos


CC ok this is a really good movie the chick hardcore with a knife and a shoulder cut something vampire's head don't even go to the doctor I guess no one went looking for the sheriff what happened to the tough black cop in the beginning just disappeared still a good movie

Geena Chandler

my least favorite part: the dog dying😭😭😭😭😭😭 what was your least favorite part? let me know in a reply.

Terry Bennett

well definitely would have been a modern day vampire. the 1st day I would have sat the shed on fire and drove grandpa's car through it for killing the dog. this is why redneck are not in horror movies


stupid movie.should have left before dude got back.

Lewis Trusty

worst film I have watched in a long time, idiot starts drilling holes in the roof how about just take the roof off... better yet I'm sure you lot in America have got guns and explosives..

mose moose

i like it


yeah they kind of drug this out because they could have just shut the door set that m*********** on fire in the movie one dog one body

Olga Caraballo

awesome low budget film