The Shepherd - 2023
On Christmas Eve, a fighter pilot on his way home gets lost mid-flight over water and needs a miracle to land safely.

Jessica Wilson

this is a beautiful movie ❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚✨️❤️✨️💚

Brian S

suprising to see a film like this from Disney considering their political views as of late... i.e. indication of a creator...


I Agree Brian Shocking There Not 1 Woke Person Or Politics Especially For Disney Finally A Disney Movie Worth Watching


yeah actually a short film with real meaning very rare very good


a longer movie would of been nice but it was a good one. it would be a good movie if they made a full one with Travolta doing that job in the war.

Liz Kozlowski

such a lovely story ❤️❤️❤️💗💗❤️

Errol Latty

this was a nice feel good movie,just before Christmas. being a vet ,I liked it very much.

William Vannatta

believe in the higher power "

Angel Amezquita

Beautiful Story 🥲🥲..

Gary Stewart

good one...

Arnold R

great movie