The Shift - 2023
Following a tense encounter with a mysterious stranger with otherworldly powers, a man is banished to a parallel, tyrannical, liberal Earth, where he fights to get back the woman he loves.

Rafael Ruiz

wow!!! tear jerker. And yes , our father is real. Thank You (God) for the answer I've been looking for. Amen!


From meeting death as a straight edge Atheist who was callin myself, the Savior Yako Romero, in my independent wrestling career. It took me seeing to believe, now I know that Yeshua of Nazareth is God Almighty amen

Cassandra Cammer

I absolutely am so glad in my heart to have watched this, really helps me appreciate what and who is in my life, while it may be tuff, I am so greatful for so much this story was absolutely amazing Thank you. God be with all of us πŸ™ πŸ™Œ. please make more movies like this!!!

Oscar Freeman

we are in the world but we're not supposed to be out of the world this was a very good movie for the metaphors that was in it so let's try to always remember to not come in agreement with sin cuz it alters everyone's destinies even the people you're around

Alicia Brown



THE "BOOK" OF "JOB"..... BRAVO πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ VERY GOOD MOVIE πŸŽ₯ β­β­πŸŒŸβœ¨πŸ’«

Bekki Wampler

Y'all do NOT need a Fancy church or Fire and Brimestone preacher to have "church". He wants a PERSONAL relationship with his children, all you have to do is speak as if to a friend. I KNOW he hears me.

Bekki Wampler

The Lord knows I need a closer relationship with my Savior, but He and I talk daily and even with the struggles I still KNOW I'm blessed and highly favored. I'm a child of God I just happen to be one of his "Brats". And He still loves me.

Salinda Eldred

I'm so glad that I decided to watch this movie It has inspired me to believe that the path that I am choosing for my life will ultimately be my right one for the life that I truly want . Thank you God for this message

Bekki Wampler

Neal McDonough, The Benefactor, Devil, whoever u wanna refer to him as is an amazing guy!! Not only does he have the most electric Blue eyes, BUT he respects his marriage, wife and vows to.the degree that he refuses to take parts if his character has any touching ,even kissing.


Thank you Heavenly Father for making a great movie with beautiful and talented people. This was a great way to share the story of Job and the experiences that Job had in order to defeat the Devil and glorify our Heavenly Father. This movie is truly wonderful. God is realπŸ’―%πŸ’ͺ🏾❀✌


A++absolutely amazing!! the best movie I've seen next to the Sound of freedom two best movies I've seen in past 5 years 99% of movies coming out have been just Propaganda garbage most push a Demo-rat lift agenda about homos&cutting ur dick off ant Mental illnes homos ant cool!!!!

Michael Norris

Truly a great movie and it's so true. What we do with the time we have, spending it with our children,our family and loved ones making memories that last4 ever. Taking the time helping people better there lives, making the world a better place. Living a life that is worth living.

Max Maximus

surprised they let this pass a lot of well not Hollywood in it. did you know that 95% of mainstream movies are reviewed by the USA department of defense. who exactly or what are they defending while allowing pure filth to hit the big think you know what's going on nope


glad I didn't go see this on theaters the trailer made this out to be something it was not

Daniel Clarke

Amazing movie, very clever and thought provoking. I highly recommend

Brandon Joyner

This was a really good movie! At f8rst I was confused because they said it was like a modern day story of Job but as the movie went on it started to make sense!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Bekki Wampler

When he sat and started telling the family the story of Job, am I the only one who had the verse that says, "Where 2 or more come together in my name, I also shall never" pop into their heads and get that catch in their throat?

Rich Macero

absolutely fantastic, a movie with a message


it would be a great movie to keep in My Kingdom Entertainment 4 Eva if made in God's image and likeness Entertainment. sincerity, God's Angel.